One of our customers asked me about my involvement in Behringers new 'Vintage' vsti. Appearently many people are thinking that it is a new version of the Tone2 Saurus plugin. I got asked for several times if I did the graphics or the sound engine. I was pretty shocked to see that my artstyle of the Saurus GUI has been adopted by Behringer.
Behringer clone:
To make things worse their plugin is freeware and some people said that it has low quality. I am sure it will have a negtive effect on my reputation and sales.
Usually this is the point where I should consider contacting a lawyer. Berhinger once was a German company. However they seem to have moved to 'Malaysia' or somewhere else. I assume to prevent legal trouble with their synth clones. I can't find an imprint with info on their website.
Is there anything we plugin developers can do against Behringer ?

Behringer clone:

To make things worse their plugin is freeware and some people said that it has low quality. I am sure it will have a negtive effect on my reputation and sales.
Usually this is the point where I should consider contacting a lawyer. Berhinger once was a German company. However they seem to have moved to 'Malaysia' or somewhere else. I assume to prevent legal trouble with their synth clones. I can't find an imprint with info on their website.
Is there anything we plugin developers can do against Behringer ?
Statistics: Posted by Tone2 Synthesizers — Tue Apr 09, 2024 8:26 am — Replies 4 — Views 230